Helping you and your animals

Wound care for all

When you have animals and children, it seems they always find a way to hurt themselves!! Even us adu...

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Essential oil myths

In the world of social media what's the right answer when using essential oils with or around your a...

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Grass Stains on your white animal?

Fall is here!! Every year as I age, time keeps getting faster. I love the fall colors of yellow and ...

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Got fleas or ticks?

It's that time of year when we and our pets are outside. That also means the fleas and ticks are loo...

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Fireworks & Thunderstorms

Is 4th of July a nightmare for you and your pet? If so, you are not alone!!  So many pets run away a...

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Can you have a Simple solution for animal wellness?

Can we really have simple solutions for occasional upset or illness? Let's take a look at getting ba...

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How can I cure the bumps on the nose of my horse?

There can be many reasons for acquiring bumps on the nose of your horse. First let's look at where y...

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Hello! I'm here to help you live happier + healthier than you've ever thought possible. 

Free Guide

If you're wondering, "What are essential oils? How can I use them to improve my health?" be sure to download our free "Getting Started with Essential Oils" guide today!